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Our 47th annual Tulsa Antique Advertising and Bottle show will tentively, tentively, be held from 8am to 4pm on


Saturday, June 28, 2025, with set up on June 27 from 10a  to 6 pm,  with  the Tulsa Flea Market in  the upper level el of the


SageNet Center,   The fully  air conditioned SageNet center is the huge building right behind the Golden Driller at 21st Street


and Pittsburg Avenue in Tulsa, OK.   It is strongly recommended that attendees park on the north or west side of the building,


which will be much less congested.   We will continue  to share the building with the Tulsa Flea Market but this this year we

will l be in the west half of the building rather than the north half as it has been in the past .  The  show will contain


Genuine Antique  Advertising in virtually all categories, including items from country stores, drug stores, saloons, soda


fountains, candy shops, barber shops, auto dealers oil and gas,  hardware stores, clothing and shoe stores, meat markets, beer,  soda pop, etc.

  Categories includetin/glass/paper/porcelain signs, counter top displays,  product boxes, tin containers, paper  items, and


advertising giveaways (trinkets/trade cards, etc.)  Also featured will be BOTTLES of all descriptions to include soda  pop,


,medicines, milks, beers, spirits, stoneware, nursers, perfumes, cosmetics, and many more.  For JAR collectors there will  be


MASON and other fruit/canning jars plus apothecary jars, stoneware, jars for candy, tobacco and other countertop displays. 


Additional categories include  coin-op, display cabinets, toys, marbles, cast iron, and other related items.  There will be


THOUSANDS of ACL SODA BOTTLES  for sale from dealers accross the country.  Tulsa has been designated THE show for


collectors of PAINTED LABEL SODA BOTTLES.  On Friday evening, June 27th at 7:30pm the PSBCA (Painted Soda Bottles


Collectors Association) will have its annual meeting and  nattional internet auction at  Hampton Inn Tulsa Central, 3418 S. 79th


East Ave., Tulsa, Ok. 74145.  Details can be found on their website,, which is a meca  for ACL Bottle collectors.  Free


for members and $15 for guests.

     Don't forget we share the building with the massive Tulsa Flea Market, which is the largest of the year on this weekend, 

There will be all kinds of antiques and collectibles for sale and you can never tell what will be found.  The bottom line is


 this show is huge !  It is the largest and best show of its type in middle America, with a combined total of over 1200

 sales tables having dealers from 20 states.  One would have to travel east to Indiana or west to to California to find a


comparable show.  It takes place just once a year and there is no admission charge, so how can you be anywhere else


that weekend.

                                                                                              DON'T MISS IT!

 Photos from our 2024 show, which  was our largest ever, with approximately 275 dealer tables, are displayed below.   Please


scroll thru them to get an idea of the breadth of the show as well as the types of merchandise our dealers have for show or


  sale.  Those of you who are collectors/dealers may also see a familiar face or two.

    For details  on becoming a dealer or for

        More  information please contact 

                      Henry Tankersley at

                    918-663-3218 (home) or




           Dale Peterson at 918-693-1918

              (call or text)  or email Dale at


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